Friday, November 27, 2009

Some Musing.from Precious the Movie.

Hello and I hope that Thanksgiving was a great holiday for many of you who participate in it; I love Thanksgiving myself; to get up and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and then eat a nice dinner that to me is the makings of a great day. I was able to make a good dinner myself and got to watch the movie Precious. Folks, if you haven't seen that movie, go out there and do yourself a favor and go see it. Based on the 90s debut novel Push by Sapphire, this movie has already been held up for a year(it was scheduled to be released this past January) and with all the buzz behind it, and with Mo'nique's Oscar worthy performance as Precious' mother(which triggered suppressed memories of her own sexual abuse by her brother) to come to the surface, this film is no joke. which is why I was close to NOT seeing it. Yet, I feel that Precious' story NEEDS to be told. There are too many Preciouses' running around the place. The ones that society forgets because they don't fit a certain mole or color. Can you imagine a child growing up and feels she isn't worthy of anything significant? that is the case every day and it needs to stop.
When I was born, I had three generations in my home. I made the third. by that time, most of my cousins being born were fourth generation so sometimes four generations were in one house. Now, when I tell you that I had that much people and I never experienced nothing like that whatsoever. I mean nothing. My mom even had me staying with a family with plenty of boys in it; and still nothing. Now I am not saying that to be proud but to make the point that I was blessed. And trust me, I was a curious and precocious child that got into things. My parents came to this country from the Caribbean and Panama, so most times when folks came to this country, it was to our apartment in the Bronx that they came to. So when I hear these stories, I am like how in the world? I have had coworkers and friends tell me how friends and relatives felt them up, some taking away their precious innocence. My boyfriend has told me how certain professional males in the community will approach a boy innocently but for sex. One story I read just made me cry; this boy was working for a couple and the man took his innocence just like that. he became a football player and went between both sexes; he ended up with AIDS that he's living with.
I don't know how folks can take a child's innocence away; I cannot fathom it. We are here to protect children, but most times, that isn't the case, as it was with that pretty little girl Shaniya up in North Carolina; Folks have been talking about this real hard. then again I want to ask what's the difference between her and Precious? not much only that Shaniya's case had the police involved. It hurts me to know that many children get hurt. And they have no voice. not only that, these kids carry stuff within them that for the most part doesn't get resolved unless they get help.
It wasn't my intention to take this far, but when you are tired of seeing this and hearing this, it does something to you. but what can you do? stop it. plain and simple. we are making a generation of hurt people that can hurt potentially more inoocent people. If that is you, get some help. you are committing a criminal act and if caught, you will serve time. If your the person to whom the crime was committed. You are not alone and please seek folks who can help you through this. Help is there. Please use it. I'm out.
One more thing, I spoke on how Precious was held up from being shown; Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry, both sex abuse survivors, saw the potential of this film and put their monies behind it; Of course, there are those who say it's nothing but poverty porn but I don't agree. Check it out for yourselves.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Just Passing through

Although I have no one in particular checking out my blogs, still I move on anyhow. First off, yesterday, I worked, but the lady I work with wanted to go to church for the Thanksgiving Dinner they have each year for the folks, and since her daughter in law is still a part of the Missionary Ladies that host it each year, we talked and got her to go to church this week instead of the first two Sundays of the month. And I got to go. So.... I took my outfit for church, got her ready for church, which requires me to be there a good hour before so I can get her washed, dressed, eaten, put on make up, clothes and be ready by 11:00am; now, for one thing, she did have a small mishap, which set me back a bit plus I had to put on my own clothes and get ready for church too. then, I wasn't able to wash clothes due that, so with all factors involved, basically I couldn't move. But when she goes to church on Sundays, my motto is: By Any means necessary. I am serious about church going and I will do my part to get her ready and let her know it. Anyhow, we got it together, went to church and ate a real nice dinner afterwards. The dressing my client's daughter in law and son made was great.
One reason I wanted to start the blogs is because I had hoped to put out about other sites and businesses that are doing great things. I found out about a young girl named Ateya,who is on YouTube, who is trying to help sisters look their best with her wig and make up tutorials. It was through Ateya, who hipped me to a lady who sells oils called Miss Lucretia, who is based out of Champaign, Illinois, well, I went to her site, noticed she had this particular oil that you can get on the streets, but not as good, and the first time I ordered from her, I got that particular oil. Black Woman. I also heard about the Pussy oil, which to me is cool, it has a subtle scent, and could wear under another scent if possible so I got that then I got the Gucci Rush scent which my daughter got from my cousin, so I wanted to get my own oil and that is one strong scent. Anyway, just to pass the word, Lucretia's is a sister in business for herself, I will put hers and Ateya's sites down so you can catch them. I am also checking out fellow NYers Tonya Tko's shea butter line, which I ordered, but sister had to move places suddenly, so she hasn't been able to send out anything, but I am hopeful it will be soon.
One more person, there is a lady out of New York with a site called Nikkis Make Scents, which I discovered through Facebook, and she sells oils, body butters, candles etc. I was able to get her lavender oil and Honey Oatmeal Soap that screamed at me from the front page. I will put her site up as well.
Well, I got a headache coming on plus I got bills to pay. Be blessed.....

For Further Info:
She has a Facebook page as well so that you can become a fan of it.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Thoughts on the Ft Hood Incident

It is with sadness that I write this; I don't think no one has ever thought that out there somewhere, is someone who is angry about something so bad that the only way they can get out what they feel is through violence. But then you may ask, what did those that died have to do with his agression? Good question. For the most part, not a thing, but for some reason, in this person's mind, they may represent something; In this man's case, it was the Army I tend to feel.
Since this situation happened, I saw on CNN today where another shooting occurred in Orlando, and about eight people were hurt; I pray that is all but I myself don't watch the news much or tv; matter of fact, all my tvs are old analog ones except my mother's which is HDTV and she is particular about hers so I try to stay away from it for the most part. When you make 81, to me, you earned the right to be the boss. But back to the story. I don't watch the news or such unless I am at work where the lady I watch has cable and is a fervent CNN viewer and I got the internet, and to me, that's all I need for now. I don't watch the news because to me it is depressing. But it seems to me that ever since Columbine in 1999, there has been a serious outbreak(I thought to say rash, but when human lives pile up, it's an outbreak) and even worse with more folks out of work and in a recession. But is shooting the answer? I don't think so.
However, I do have something to say for the shooter himself; the fact that he is Muslim and was about to be deployed to Afghanistan and didn't want to go speaks volumes; He spoke of being ostracized due to him being Muslim; I find that sad. I know that 9/11 was a horrible thing for ALL Americans, but we have not been as kind to those who are Muslims in this country; We fear, ridicule, speak against those not of us because of this; but have we not learned our lessons from ages past? When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, sentiment was so high against Japanese living in America that in the Western states, they put them in internment camps. I wrote concentration initially and changed my mind but as the saying goes, tell the truth and shame the devil; When segregation ruled the land especially in the south, it didn't take much for an African American to be killed; sometimes, it could be a mere accusation. not even truth. Yet in spite of these things, we still continue to do them; moreso to Muslims,gays and homosexuals. Haven't we learned that this isn't the way?
We talk of diversity, but are we doing it? We talk about illegal immigrants, but can we imagine why they run to this country? no we cannot. And though I am the daughter of immigrants myself and conflicted on this, I have to understand more than anything why some risk all to come to America;
Getting back to the shooter here. Yes, he has hurt a many people by his actions, but I cannot help but wonder how many have somehow helped him get to the point where he was yesterday? what I mean by that is, When you saw a Muslim, did you speak kindly or harsh? were the things you said anything spouted on in Philippians 4:16? You see, little things add up to big things and then you may have two things. One for the good that allows the person to be his very best or what occurred yesterday.
As a veteran, my heart goes out to those affected by this tragedy; Though my thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones, I also have to pray for the one who caused the tragedy and his family because now they have come out of the limelight in a very negative way. I may never understand his motives but I'm sure they hurt too. And may we be more tolerant of others as we go along our way. Peace.