Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Census, School and Anime Issues

Lately, I just haven't had the time to be able to get on here to blog; For one, I am doing work for the Census and I don't want to divulge anything about that due to the sensitive nature of information collected. That I can respect. I will divulge however, that most people I have taken info from have been nothing but forthcoming, polite and friendly; For that, they receive my humblest thanks. I am also grateful that I haven't had to encounter much dogs in my journey other than a couple here and there and they didn't bother me. I pray I have no further problems in the future.

Every so often, I substitute for the school that is under my church's umbrella; My church believes in having schools for the young to grow up in; I was one of them myself going to church school and having to explain why I go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday. Today is one of those days. Sometimes I take the 1st-4th grades or the 5th-8th grades which are run by two dedicated ladies, one being the Pastor's wife, the other being a talented sister who makes some of the nicest shea butters under her daughter's name. One of the things that get to me when I teach there is not that they are unruly; But it is something that bothers me nonetheless.
A lot of the youngsters love anime. that japanese form of cartoons that they covet as opposed to me at their ages running behind Archie, Jughead, love and other Superhero comic books; Seems to me, there are not that many comic books by Marvel or any of the others. I saw one done on the first lady and had to buy it; But for the most part, it seems as though Anime is the thing for kids today. A while back, I was watching South Park, and a Oriental outfit of similar interests were infiltrating the kids in the US and whenever someone protested, they would say that they are sorry and that they don't have anything significant to offer; but basically they were infiltrating the kids to their own personal agenda. I never forgot that episode and wonder if perhaps anime is serving the same purpose. I also remember talking to the kids here and they were like I want to work for the creators of such books. I encouraged them to do their OWN comic books; create their own and make it happen for themselves. My late father always said, if you can give a job more than get a job, you doing well. I believe him.

I say that to say this: I love jazz;being in the environment, singing and performing; but that won't mean nothing but some experience gained if I don't do the same for myself. So do for yourself. It isn't enough to work with the Anime folks; but it's even better when you gain experience and do your own anime people. Besides, we need some creative juices flowing and have some comics for ourselves; something positive, entertaining and have a purpose. To break it down, if you can improve on it, do it; do for self.