Sunday, April 25, 2010

Musing on car troubles

Two weeks ago on Tuesday, I was going home from training with the Census; I had a funny feeling within but felt the need to get my car washed. I went to the car wash I am familiar with, got my car washed, didn't bother to clean out my car, and just as I was making the turn to go into major traffic, my car started having a mind of it's own and I ended up on the divider between the folks coming off the highway and the street I was on. To say I was ashamed, mad, upset was a serious understatement. I called my insurance people and they kindly told me I wasn't insured. But just as they told me this, I saw a police car as well as the fire department show up(and to the person who called in my time of need, God bless you) and them gentlemen, they got me out of the car, which I didn't do up until then, changed my tire, talked to me, and got me back into mainstream traffic. When I got home, my mom looked at me and said "We're you in an accident?" now I promise I wasn't gonna tell her nothing. She is 81 and don't need no drama or headaches at this point of life. But she asked, so I said, Yep. I guess her mom radar was on big time. Thankfully, she gave me some peace of mind that I sorely needed. But I wasn't able to do much on it. But the nagging feeling persisted when today going home, I had a feeling again and while on the highway, I started getting another familiar feeling and what do you know? my tire blew out again but this time I handled it and did what I could. But when I think about it, I am like, what can I do? what am I doing wrong? what can I do so this won't happen? and the idea that perhaps a roadside and towing service for women came to mind..seriously. A man considers this a mild inconvenience, but to a woman it can mean the difference of your life in the balance.You could be on the highway and your car breaks down, that ain't pretty. I have used towing and other services so much within the past two years I wish deep down that perhaps there was a way a woman can catch a break. Hmm; a roadside and towing service for women nationwide. Not only do I provide towing and roadside, I'll have classes so women can change their own tires, change their own oil, check for transmission oil and antifreeze. And not only that, talk to a counselor because trust me, going through these things can be a real pain. My employer was at a funeral and her car was stolen; real nice car too and I know that wasn't easy for her,so for that we can have a counselor talk to her and help her get through the hurdles. Hmm. Sounds good to me. A couple of months ago, I was talking to a local towing service and I told him of how one night I couldn't get a tow because of the neighborhood I lived in; some charge more. Mercy. So I told him, I would like to pay in advance for his services so that when I get in them fixes, he can come and I bypass the rest of the stuff on top of that, he gets my business and I'm a happy camper. And you know, I think, I will check on this some more and who knows? life gots to be straight. but perhaps it can get better and more enlightened.