Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank You - Light Your Candle - Build the Dream

Thank You - Light Your Candle - Build the Dream

It is an honor to be able finally to put something towards the new Dr Martin Luther King Jr Memorial which will be in Washington D.C. and slated for a Grand Opening on the anniversary of his famous "I Have A Dream" speech. Today marks 43 years since Dr King has been assasinated and still, we hold him dear to our hearts just the same. It should be the goal and aspiration of each of us especially African Americans to just give a minimum of $5 towards his new memorial and help to make it a reality. You will be glad you did.

With that said, Hello all! so much has transpired. I have a new granddaughter, well my first from my firstborn daughter Tierra, and her name is Kianna Micca Crawford Roberson. she weighed 7lbs, 12 oz at birth and we like to tease her because she keeps throwing her fist up. I told her girl, you real late, Black Power done came and gone, but hey you can start it over again. She is a fussy little thing but I feel a baby in the house is a blessing. Last night though, she just wouldn't sleep for no one's business. Pictures on her forthcoming.

I was blessed to be able to participate in Miss Lucretia's 40% off sale in February. It just so happen to occur the same day I received my income tax refunds. and I was able to fullfill a fantasy and buy all of the fragrances I have had a taste for. I am now wearing Queen by Queen Latifah and as far as I'm concerned, the stuff is good. Have you ever tried Lucretia's Body Oils and Sprays?? it is good, the stuff lasts, and it saves you money!! is the link. If your not a Facebook fan of her page, please do so to take advantage of her sales.

I have been fortunate to have read some great books lately. One that I brought the New Year's in with was Isabel Wilkerson's "The Warmth of Other Suns" which chronicled three people who once lived in the South and moved to the North(in this case, Chicago, New York and California)in search of better opportunities. It was a huge read, but I can appreciate the time that Ms Wilkerson took in capturing the stories of Ida, Dr Foster and George and you will too. One part that really hurt to read was when Dr Foster was driving to California and got to Phoenix, Arizona and literally couldn't get a room because of his skin color. To those who let that go down then, they should truly be ashamed and embarassed to say that they did it. And this country should equally take the blame for allowing this horrible practice against people to happen. To say my heart went out to this man says plenty. I believe it must had touched the author's heart too because she went and recreated his steps and tried to keep going and it was impossible. in spite of it, Dr Foster became a physician with his own practice as well as the personal Physician to none other than Ray Charles. he even got immortalized in one of Charles' songs, "Hide Nor Hair"
While I really enjoyed this, I only pray that there is one done for folks who came up from the Caribbean. A lot of us have some serious stories too!!
Other books I found quite good are Daddy by Default by Pat Tucker, Simeon's Story by Simeon Wright who is the cousin of Emmett Till and the son of Mose Wright, who testified against the white men who killed Emmett Till.

For now I am to get going with errands. peace.

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